Saturday, April 14, 2012

What can I use to remove hair spray on surfaces in bathroom?

The hair spray collects %26amp; builds up ( a month at a time) all over the bathroom %26amp; nothing I've tried gets it off.

What can I use to remove hair spray on surfaces in bathroom?

Alcohol will believe me. My daugher was the queen of hairspray. You could not go in the bathroom for a half after she got done. It was on the vanity the toilet tank every dang place the floor. i was so sick of sticky. Well one day i took a bottle of alcohol (rubbing) 1.95 at walmart for big bottle and i went to cleaning and it took it all off and made every thing squeaky clean.

What can I use to remove hair spray on surfaces in bathroom?

usually hot soapy water and a lot of elbow grease or scraping it off with something but that can do damage

What can I use to remove hair spray on surfaces in bathroom?

Did you try Windex? That's what I have to scrub a little but it comes off easiest with Windex!

What can I use to remove hair spray on surfaces in bathroom?

Any bathroom tile cleaner removes hairspray.

What can I use to remove hair spray on surfaces in bathroom?

I have the same problem!! I found only one thing that works and believe it or not it is Windex! I used everything from spray commet, Lysol tub and tile to Mr. Clean....I finally just used the Windex as a last resort....IT WORKED! Hope it works for you too.

What can I use to remove hair spray on surfaces in bathroom?

Vinegar water.....

What can I use to remove hair spray on surfaces in bathroom?

try straight acetone. i had the same problem when i moved into my house

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