Friday, April 20, 2012

Do spray in hair dyers work/ do they look real?

Ex. Blue spray in dye in blonde hair

Do spray in hair dyers work/ do they look real?

they look fake

Do spray in hair dyers work/ do they look real?

who do you know that has real blue hair? yes, spray in hair sprays work, they do color your hair. They are not real dyes because the color will wash out the next time you wash your hair. Do they look real? Your real hair will be blue, yes, but it does not look like a natural hair color because it is not.

Do spray in hair dyers work/ do they look real?

PLEASE DO NOT USE THEM!!!!!! those give you a worn-out, faded, trashy look. ESPECIALLY!!! if your going for the permanent look.they look incredibly fake and cheap and give you the "spray in" bad look , just like "spray on" tan looks unreal compared to a real tan, also try going to hottopic and try neon blue extension streaks. they look awesome!!!

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