Saturday, April 14, 2012

Should I STOP using my HAIR SPRAY???

and use a gel instead, cuz I heard about the damage to both the hair and ozone layer it can do. . .or quit worrying and spray on??

Should I STOP using my HAIR SPRAY???

Most hairsprays today don't contain the cfc's they did 20 years ago. If your concerned use a pump hair spray. You'll have better control, it's safe for the environment and some actually have protectants for your hair. It will also help you control the spray so you don't breathe it.

Should I STOP using my HAIR SPRAY???

do not use aresol hair spray, use only the pump sprays.

Should I STOP using my HAIR SPRAY???

yes bcoz it contains cfc which damsges not only ozone but ur hair so u must use gel

Should I STOP using my HAIR SPRAY???

use nothing.

stiff hair aren't sexy.

Should I STOP using my HAIR SPRAY???

Hairsprays today use propane and isobutane as their propellants (for aerosol sprays). These gases are naturally occuring and will not affect the ozone.

Should I STOP using my HAIR SPRAY???

better use ordinary coconut hair oil... other can cause side effects for sure... and ur hair 'll never look healthy.. u'll also have hair fall

Should I STOP using my HAIR SPRAY???

I wouldn't use it frequently if I were you.....

Should I STOP using my HAIR SPRAY???

u should not use both hair spray and gel...both are harmful to hair...

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